Friday, December 26, 2008

Baby's First Christmas (part 3)

Lunch at James' realitives (that's his Dad in the picture). Once again, Luca stole the spotlight...and had a great time watching the other children. He's fascinated by older children.
Having fun on the trampoline outside!After Lunch, it was back to the beach to join up with Bruce's family (James' stepsisters and brothers). More food, more drink, more merriment (did I make that up, or is that really a word?)
He kept this hat on just long enough for me to take a picture (he was too busy shoveling ham in his mouth to notice the hat).

After Luca went to bed, we went out for an evening stroll to reflect on our first Christmas with Luca. I have to admit, Christmas is the best when you are a kid yourself, or when you have kids. Yeah, definitly.

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