Tuesday, October 21, 2008

thump, thump, thump

That's the sound I hear down the hall when Luca's on the move. It's so cute...you just hear this thump, thump, thump of his little hands and knees moving as fast as they can. In the past two weeks he's grown up to become a little boy. The world as opened up to him now that's he's mobile. Drawers to explore, mommy's expensive hair conditioner to spread all over the bathroom, electical cords to play with, cat doors to try and escape from, dirt and rocks to put in his mouth. Yes...the possiblities are endless. He follows me around like a little puppy, and when I call out to him I hear silence followed by the familiar thump, thump, thump.....then his little head peers in from around the corner and his eyes light up, and he breaks into one of his heartmelting smiles, dimples and all. Yes, he's just so amazing cute.

(Photo taken during our coffee group beach party a few weeks ago. We knew that shirt that Oma and Pop brought back to us from Fiji would be good for occasions like this!)

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