When James and I decieded to move back into this house, we did so with the understanding that the house would need a major redecoration. We've painted, put in a new kitchen, wallpapered, relandscaped, recarpeted, etc etc....and the house looks good now. Not a dream home, but it's good for now. For the past 1.5 years we've had pretty bare walls. We've been looking high and low for some really nice artwork that was in our budget price range. We've come up with a solution...Photography Art. Here's a few of our favourites - we picked out several to enlarge and frame in a series. It looks great on our wall, and now our 'home' doesn't feel so bare.

(Look at how his little baby belly flops over like that...and the toes....bliss!)

These were taken by the same photographer that did our really cool pregnancy photos. Now we just need some great B&W wedding pictures to add to the collection.
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