This picture was taken last weekend before James and I attended opening night of a local theatre production...look at the sensible pregnancy more high heels for me!
Two big highlights for this week...
On Friday James and I got did a pregnancy photo shot - hopefully we'll get at least one good photo from the lot - which we'll frame and hang up in our house. The photographer does some amazing work - we'll definitly be taking our little man to get his first photos taken at the same place. James isn't a fan of having his photo taken (which is why you don't see all that many of him on this website....but me on the other hand....well I admit...I'm a bit of a cheese when it comes to having my photo taken!) but he did extremly well at being a 'model' for the camera.
The other big highlight.....
I was a bit down about not having a traditional shower with family and friends back in the States, so with the help of my mother-in-law to be, Jo, we threw a pretty cool shower. You see, showers aren't big in NZ. In fact most people that were invited to the shower had never even been to one before. I was suprised at how many people showed up - about 24 in total. Lots of co workers, and friends of mine and Jo's. Thanks for sending the gift Mom (here I am opening it!) LOVED the goodies...wish you were here with us!!!
It was all women, but James came at the end to help open gifts. It was nice having him there to join in on the fun. Prior to the gift opening we had a lunch with lots of champagne (punch for me!) and played a few silly games, while a beauty therapist friend of mine went around giving everyone massages and eyelash tints. Jo and her friends did an amazing job with the food - it was divine. We also asked all the guests to bring an item for the baby time capsule...which we'll give to our 'grown up man' at 21 years old.
We got lots of cute baby clothes and gifts - I can't wait to dress up our little boy in all his new clothes! The weather turned out to be really nice, and everyone sat outside. It was a fantastic afternoon, and everything went really smooth.
Oh, yeah...we also found some really nice but inexpensive furniture for the baby's room - we got an insurance payout for something else and had a bit of money left over which paid for the changing table (which is actually a dresser) and a nightstand. So....the room is almost complete. Will post a few photos when we are finished...probably another few weeks or so. We are on the lookout for an inexpensive rocking/feeding chair. The new ones seem to be so expensive!
All in all, a fantastic weekend. We can't believe we only have 6 weeks left. I'm still feeling okay, although I'm starting to feel a bit tired, and well....big.
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