Sunday, November 18, 2007

35 Weeks!

James and I made these cookies a few weeks ago for our antenatal class and also the baby shower. Well...I baked them and we both decorated about 100 of these things. Kinda cute, eh? Onesies, stars, and bears. It was the first time James had ever decorated cookies before, and we made a Sunday night out of it.

35 Weeks - we can count the weeks left on one hand now...CRAZY!

We are seeing the Dr every two weeks now, and went in last Monday. He seems to think all is going well, and the baby is head down in the right position. We will be doing another scan this week (yay!!!) to see what he looks like, and also to get some more measurements done. James thinks that we are actually a bit earlier than Dec 23rd - so perhaps the scan will give us a different due date. We'd love it if our boy came a bit earlier - but guess we just gotta be patient.

Tonight I attended a 'modern cloth nappy' exhibition at someone in my antenatal groups house. These nappies are all the rage in NZ - more cost effiecient and definitly better for the environment. After listening to the sales women and all the other expectant mothers for about 2 hours....I'm not entirely convinced that they are the way to go. Don't get me wrong, I'll get some to try out on our boy when he's a few months old, but there's no way I'll be using cloth from the get go. I think our lives will be hectic enough without washing nappies everyday. Oh, my goodness....I'm saying nappies instead of diapers...(that's a NZ term).

Many of you know our friends Karlyn and Moi who had their twins at 24 weeks (this is REALLY REALLY early!) They've been in the Ronald McDonald house in Wellington for the past 3 months while Jaycob, their son, was in the Neonatal ICU. They have just come back to Palmy this weekend. To make a long story short.....James and I organized for all of their friends and family to chip in money so that we could build their dream deck. We thought it'd be a great homecoming gift, and make their lives a bit better this summer or whenever they can bring Jaycob home. It's been a massive fundraising effort, and with the help of the army, friends and family.....the deck has started! It wasn't completed by the time they came back home, but it should be finished soon. It's a massive deck - this is only 1/3 of it! Moi and Karlyn where totally blown away. It feels good to organize something like this for our close friends. They've had a pretty tough few months, so this was the least we could do for them.

Hopefully for the next post, I'll have some new ultrasound pics to post! 35 weeks (give or take some...I can't believe it!!!!)

1 comment:

cass2george said...

Great looking cookies! I think the deck looks great too! I'm proud of you and James for organizing this!
Love, Mom