Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Shelly gets crafty

James is away (yes...again). 5 weeks - but sometimes comes home on the weekends. The boys and I have gotten into a pretty good routine while James is away, and things usually work like clockwork. Well just cover your eyes when you walk in the house and through the landmine of laundry, toys, and leftover food crumbs on the ground. The weekdays are hectic. Very hectic. It's all go until both boys are asleep, and then it's cleanup kitchen time - you'd be suprised how long this takes. One of the pitfalls of having a large kitchen. If I'm lucky I get maybe an hour and half of 'free' time (for TV/internet/reading/baking). Last week I was ambitious and tried to beautify the house with a few projects. I made this...

To keep me organized. I'm a fan of weekly menu planning, and this will save the lists that always seem to get lost. It's a whiteboard thingy for menu planning, so when I'm half asleep at 6am and running around sorting out bottles and school bags I'll remember to get the meat out of the freezer. I'm pretty chuffed at how it came out.

Before you say it....No, I'm not that clever, I stole this idea off the internet. I've been a bit addicted to some blogs about crafty home decorations on the cheap. You'd be suprised at the millions of blogs out there by stay at home moms. Don't ask me how these people have the time to do it...but they do, and there are plenty more projects from them that I want to steal.

Guess who is finally on the road to be toliet trained? YEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!

Speaking of blogs - I was feeling pretty lame about my own. Sometimes I wander why I do it? Does anyone see it? Maybe it's just a good way to record things about my children. Children. That's all I ever blog about. It's as if my life has become completly boring, and I have nothing clever to say or do. Hmmm, I must really get a life.

My cousin Melissa started up this really clever blog a few weeks ago. Yep, she's one of those crafty stay at home mom types (and her blog is awesome by the way!) but she has over a thousand followers! A THOUSAND. So I was feeling a bit pathetic about my own.

I often think about things to blog about (mainly musings, and other random things) but then whenever I do finally find the time to sit and type I forget all that stuff, and revert to 'life' aka children updates. Okay, will make more of an effort to be interesting/crafty/inspirational/supermom/event organiser/wife.

Ha! Sure.....


Jen I. said...

I read your blog, Shelly! I even put a link on my little blog to your blog :) I think you write in a very insightful, relatable way, which is one of the things I enjoy most about your posts- nothing gimmicky or pretentious, just you having a conversation about your life... And it's interesting!

Lizzy said...

I read you blog. And I love that you are getting crafty. I, too, am crafting up my house on the cheap. Whenever I am bored I surf craft blogs and then go make things. I am driving my husband crazy with it, but my house is looking nicer and nicer every week. I can send you some of my favorite sites if you are interested.

Mom said...

I know a lot of people who read your blog! I think it is one of the best ways for those of us here in the states to keep up with your life. Keep it up!

Erica Stone said...

I always read (and enjoy) your posts, too! Since being a mommy is pretty much the most important thing you do each day, I think it's natural to write about it. When you start sharing DAILY updates of what the boys drew at school & had for dinner... well, then maybe I'll ask you to include something else once in a while. In the meantime, craft, mother, and blog away! :-)

trappfamilyoffive said...

I think your blog is great too! You're a fabulous writer :)