Luckily on Good Friday (the day prior to the Retro Festival beginning) I did not have to work in the morning, so we hosted the coffee group for an Easter Lunch and egg hunt. It had been while since our whole group got together. All but one, has had their 2nd baby. One women in our group even had twins! It's amazing to think that in just the past year our coffee group has doubled in size. Toys, toys, toys were everywhere.
At 3 years old there is definitly a division between boys and girls - and this was apparent when we got all the kids together. The boys would yell, jump, and run, and throw things. The girls would sit patiently while I gave out Easter Egg hunt instructions. And we have 17 more years of this to endure? Someone, please help me.
After the busy Easter/Retro Festival weekend, I was one of the parents chosen to help out for the preschool trip to see the Wiggles concert (free ticket for me...YES!)
Will I ever go to see a Wiggles concert again? NO
What a waste. Firstly let me start by saying our household isn't a huge follower of the
Wiggles to begin with. We 'try' to limit TV that the kids watch, and we don't have the fancy extra channels of SKY so we rarely ever watch them. Luca enjoyed it...but not as much as some of the other kids who were dancing and singing in the isles. After about 30 mins I think we had both had enough. To make matters worse, on facebook many of my 'stay at home' freinds were raving about how fantastic the concert was. Did I miss something?
It was mad. Kids were waving home made signs. They had brought dog bones to give to the wiggle dog (not sure what his name was), they brought roses for Dorothy the Dinosour (yeah, I guess she's a big fan of roses or something). Wait! Forget to bring that bone or rose from home? Well, never fear - you can purchase one in the lobby, and then give it to the characters as they come around. What!? Money making scam if you ask me. Don't even get me started on the balloons for sale in the lobby (which blocked the views of the stage).
Yes, I sound like a spoil sport. I love taking the kids to things...children's plays, concerts, museums etc, and we do make an effort to go to lots of things but this Wiggle concert....well lets just say it's now ticked off the list. Uggh. Remind me not to try to get the kids hooked on merchandises or brands. Darn...guess we messed up when introducing Luca to Lightning McQueen.
Best part of the feild trip - the bus ride! The one saving grace of the whole Wiggle expierence. My ticket was free.
Hope everyone had a good Easter. I do wish I could have had a family gathering in the States. Easter and springy decorations just don't fit in with Autumn.