Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mr. Independant

It's hard to imagine our little man is now 9 months. My next post, I will probably be able to announce that he is now on the move. I predict the crawling will begin sometime this week (uh, oh!).

He thinks he is years beyond his age. Always grabbing, wriggling around when I try to change his diaper, insisting that he only feed himself (but obviously lacks the coordination, so most of it gets on his chin/bib/floor), constantly looking around the room, trying to move, trying to keep up with his brother - who, just in case you are wandering, runs around at 100 mph).

He gave us a bit of fright when this week he figured out how to sit up in his cot all by himself. The parents out there will know how shocking it is to see that for the first time. His new trick is getting himself into strange positions, backing up into the corner, or sitting up and not being able to lay back down in the middle of the night. Never fear, little bubba, we are here to save you. Yes, that's right. I must be part kiwi now, because I sometimes call my baby 'bubba' (only 2 years ago I detested that name...now I use it?!) His other nicknames are 'Why-guy', 'little buddy', and luca's favourite, 'Mr. Moon.'

Wyatt gives the best cuddles. I love the cuddle he give me when I pick him up from daycare, or see him first thing in the morning. His chubby little hands grasp on for dear life and he rests his head against my chest - often rubbing his snot into my shirt. Ahh, bless.

He's got the most gorgeous dimples, and I love his baby fatness. I think 9 months must be the chubby stage. He's storing up all that energy for when he starts to crawl. I know it's selfish, but I wish he could stay this age forever.

Some of my favourite memories of the past 9 months are taking him to the baby session at the movies. Wyatt and I have had 5 or 6 dates. Every Wed at 10:30 they have baby sessions - discounted for moms and free for babies. You don't have to stress if baby cries, because there's usually others crying too. When he was younger I'd cuddle him, and breastfeed him till he feel asleep in my arms. It was perfect - We got to spend time together, and I got to indulge in popcorn and a movie.
Ha! fat chance of that happening anymore. I took him for the last time a few weeks ago. We saw Eat, Pray, Love (which to be honest, was a bit too slow for me) and I could no longer get him to sleep or sit still. He was too awake, too aware, too active. It was anything but relaxing.

Another sad part of losing his babyness is stopping breastfeeding. The thing I was most scared of prepregnancy, turned out to be the most enjoyable. The bond you have while feeding a baby from your body is just MAGICAL. Our bodies are made to do some incredible things. I fed both Luca and Wyatt till 9 months. Now I have a pile of maternity bras and tops that I have literally lived in, and it's sad to think of getting rid of them.
The sadness lasted about two weeks (being able to enjoy in alcohol again has also helped).
Mr. Moon is growing up - too fast. It's endearing to watch him 'play' with his brother, and begin to look at books by himself. I love putting him to sleep at night. After a bottle I stand up and cuddle him for a few moments. He usually has a burp so loud that everyone in the house can hear it, then he sighs, drops his head, and his body goes limp. His little legs just hang loose, and he's so long now that his toes touch my waist. Mr. Independant becomes my little bubba again, and I kiss him on the head as I lay him in his cot.
We love you Wyatt


Mom said...

HE is so incredibly georgeous! I cant wait to get some of his cuddles when I come over!

trappfamilyoffive said...

I love the photos! Especially the last one, and the nickname Mr. Moon. To cute! :)