That was our halloween joke that we tried to teach Luca for trick or treating, but he didn't get it -he thought each house was suppose to give HIM ice cream. Ha ha!
No picturesque pumpkin patches over here. We got ours from the fruit and veggie weekend market - your typical small white/green pumpkins that people use for their roasts. Not the best carving pumpkings (they have really thick skin and flesh) but James was able to carve them after Luca painted them.
Wyatt is at the 'grabbing everything stage' and when I wasn't looking he managed to grab the pot of paint and paint my pants. Lovely.
For a country that doesn't really celebrate halloween, we had an eventful weekend. The holiday is definitly growing over here, and you can now buy decorations and more costumes bits and pieces at the likes of the dollar shops and the warehouse. We kicked off the weekend with a kids party hosted by one of the coffee group mothers. All the kids were dressed up, and she went all out with decorations, Luca loved it - even the 'scary' decorations.
Wyatt (the dragon) is being held by my friend Amy (she's due in a few weeks with TWINS!)
Saturday was filled with not 1 but 3 (yes 3!) Halloween party invites for James and I. The kids were whisked off to Jo and Bruces (yay!!!) and we made it to two of the parties. James was a witch doctor and I was a lady bug and then later a witch. One of the parties had a witches and wizards theme (how wierd is that? To have a theme for a halloween party?). Although we had a child free night, I can't bring myself to staying up late anymore, so although we had a good night, it wasn't a very late one. On Sunday we got to sleep in till 9am, and then get on with household things... How sad is that. The kids were away, and instead of just relaxing I have this urge to clean the house. James finished tiling the kitchen backsplash. Very satisfying to actually get something done on the house.
After a visit to pick up the kids from the beach, we got ready for trick or treating. This was the first year we had trick or treated in NZ. It was good to meet a few more of our new neighbors, but it was an intersting expierence. The kiwis obviously don't understand trick or treating etiquette. A few differences between us and America.
1. It's light out - because we are going into summer
2. People answer the door and look suprised, then run off to rumage through the kitchen to find you something. We got lots of granola bars and bags of Also some of the candy (gasp) is unwrapped. You go to someones house and they give you 3 jellybeans, or a gummy worm. That's NZ for ya! ha ha
3. Some people don't answer the door at all - which we found odd. We saw them in the window, they saw us - but instead of answering the door and just saying 'we don't have anything, but boy you guys look cute...' they just DONT answer. To me, that seems kind of rude - but whatever...
4. There's still some anti-halloween people (churches) out there and although the holiday is celebrated as a non secular holiday the media still has to report about the pagens and witches holding ceremonies on halloween (as if people in NZ need another excuse to hate the holiday).
Regardless of the differences, we enjoyed our trick or treating around the culdasac. There's only about 14 houses, so it was a perfect number. Poor little Wyatt crashed out after house #3, so I ended up carrying a sleeping dragon the whole time (he's getting heavy too!). We met some lovely people, and Luca now requests candy for breakfast. Uh, sorry little boy, don't think so.
Everyone thought their costumes were adorable (thanks Grandma Cassie!) and we look forward to more halloweens to come. I'm using every bit of self control not to gobble up 1/2 of Luca's halloween candy while I'm working on assignments. So very hard.
ADORABLE! You have got to get day care to arrange for a field trip when I come over. ha ha
That whole post made me laugh. I am glad to hear that Halloween is catching on over there. The kiddos look beautiful in their costumes!
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