Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunrise Hut

I have one more week at Freyberg High School on my student teaching placement. I can't even tell you how much I'm looking forward to this week being over. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy teaching, but Student teaching is much harder than I thought. Doing it with a newborn...not recommended. 1. The students aren't yours, so you don't really know their backgrounds, and if you try to come in with new routines....whoa, backlash from the students. 2. You aren't familiar with all the rules and procedures of the school, but yet you are suppose to act like a full staff member. I busted some kids smoking pot, but the little buggers got away....long story. 3. You constantly have someone looking over your shoulder and 4. Juggling teaching, night time feeds and two little boys, expressing while at work, and lots of research and assignments for University....Exhausting!!! Okay, enough of my sob story. It's only a year long course, and I'm just about 1/2 way though. I knew it was going to be painful, but I decieded for only 1 year of pain - instead of doing the part time option. At least this way I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Freyberg....Hmmmm, what can I say. It's got some amazing programmes at the school, including a massive special needs and teen parent centre, but there are also more than a few bad eggs at this school. The behaviour of teens has been SHOCKING, and I question modern day parenting (or lack thereof). It also doesn't help that I'm teaching several 'behaviour' classes. Nothing like giving the student teacher the hardest classes, eh? 17 year olds that would rather not be at school, and the only reason they are there is because they are too lazy to get a job. 1/2 of them don't even come to class with a pen or pencil. Anyways...this placement has been a huge learning curve and although some days were incredibly painful, I've been exposed to a lot of different situations that you just wouldn't find at a more wealthy school.

'Roughing it' at Sunrise Hut - managed by the Department of Conservation. 20 bunks, gas cookers, and water supplied.

The highlight of this practicum has been teaching two year 13 (that would be the 17-18 year olds) Sport and Leisure Classes. Those are the kids that don't want to be at school, and are taking a 'fun' practical class. None of them will be going to Univeristy. I have been teaching Mountain biking, kayak polo (in the pool), and a unit on tramping (aka backpacking). This class is right up my alley, and we've taken a few cool field trips...including the most recent - an overnight hike up the Ruahine Mountain ranges to stay in Sunshine Hut.

Some of the Students and my associate teacher, Mr.Sam Lowe (in the middle)
Prior to leading the students on this hike, I had to do a recon of the area. Two weeks ago, Jo watched the boys while James and I checked it out. It took us exactly 1.5 hours to hike up and 1.5 hours to hike down. With the students last week it took 3.5 hours to hike up, and 2 hours to hike down. That's exactly what I thought it would be. Many of the students it was the first time hiking, let alone carrying a big pack stuffed with cell phones, Ipods, portable radios etc. Heaven forbide they go one night without.

You could see the ocean from the hut - Sunrise at Sunrise hut

The trip did allow me to get a better understanding of the modern day Freyberg student. I also got to know the students much better. Would have been a huge help to do this tramp at the beginning of my student teaching and not at the end!
This week I'm taking the other class on the same trip. It's suppose to be rainy/ we'll just see how many of them remember to bring their waterproof gear :-) 1 day of teaching at school, two days of tramping, then two more days of teaching in the school....then I'm done!!! At least for a few weeks - until the next placement begins.

My associate teachers all seemed to be quite impressed with how I'm doing (even if I am having to fake it to teach the team sports I don't know how to play). If I had more time I think I'd like to play on a social volleyball team or a social field hockey team during my spare time. I'll add it to my to do list.

INCREDIBLY windy and cold as we traversed to Armstrong Saddle

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