Monday, January 25, 2010

6 days to go!

I feel like I'm ticking and about to explode any minute. Tick, Tick, Boom! We have exactly one week from today until we meet our new family member. I've just realized I haven't posted many baby bump photos - so here's the latest. This was taken last night after our 7km Super Sevens Run/Walk. About 1000 people take part in the weekly summer event. James ran it, and I walked with Luca in the Pram. I think it was probably a bit over ambitious of me, b/c today I'm feeling really tired and sore.

The pregnancy has kind of snuck up on us. No, it hasn't gone by fast. This pregnancy was much harder than the first (more morning sickness, horrible back siotic (spell) nerve pain, working full time, dealing with a toddler, house stress....get the picture). It definitly wasn't as smooth sailing as Luca's pregnancy, but the end is in sight now. It's been hard to get totally immersed in the pregnancy when we also have the big build going on. It's been hard to be fully excited about our new house when we have the little baby growing and taking over my thoughts. What will I do next year when all this excitement is over?!

I've got about a million things to do before the big day, and I'm wandering why the heck I only took 1 week off work prior to the birth. My head is spinning with things - new house, packing up this house, baby stuff, Luca stuff, and the HEAT.'s seriously HOT. Like Florida hot (but without Air conditioning). I'm melting, and sadly enough actually looking forward to my recovery in the hostpital where I have nothing to think about except for the baby and how good the AC feels. If all goes well when I get out of the hospital we should be able to move into the new house.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Grr just made a comment and it deleted. Just to let you know you are in our thoughts today and perhaps your new little one has arrived by now! I didn't realise that you had had such a difficult pregnancy - you always look bright and breezy & everything is taken in your stride. How did the acupuncture go? I'm a big fan & will definitely be going for some if I have morning sickness next time. Hope all is well & you have a safe delivery and easy recovery. Enjoy the moment - don't worry about things that have to be done!! Take care, Amy, Greg & Flynn