Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chubby Hands

This photo was taken a few weeks ago by my very talented friend, Toni, of Toni Larsen Photography. She's got a few more but she's not showing them to me just yet. We're got one more photo shoot scheduled before I pop!

I'm feeling much better today after a good nights sleep. I had my last midwife appointment yesterday, and everything seems to be going well - except she felt I was too stressed out so I underwent a bit of acupuncture to try and relax me. Most people in NZ go through midwives for their pregnancies - my midwife has been awesome.

On today's agenda....

Collecting a bottle sterilizer I bought used off the internet
Meeting the HRV man at our current house to change the filters
Shopping for a few bits and pieces
Going for a swim (maybe)
Reading Textbooks

(notice there's nothing about new house, or packing or cleaning current house on this list)

Monday, January 25, 2010

6 days to go!

I feel like I'm ticking and about to explode any minute. Tick, Tick, Boom! We have exactly one week from today until we meet our new family member. I've just realized I haven't posted many baby bump photos - so here's the latest. This was taken last night after our 7km Super Sevens Run/Walk. About 1000 people take part in the weekly summer event. James ran it, and I walked with Luca in the Pram. I think it was probably a bit over ambitious of me, b/c today I'm feeling really tired and sore.

The pregnancy has kind of snuck up on us. No, it hasn't gone by fast. This pregnancy was much harder than the first (more morning sickness, horrible back siotic (spell) nerve pain, working full time, dealing with a toddler, house stress....get the picture). It definitly wasn't as smooth sailing as Luca's pregnancy, but the end is in sight now. It's been hard to get totally immersed in the pregnancy when we also have the big build going on. It's been hard to be fully excited about our new house when we have the little baby growing and taking over my thoughts. What will I do next year when all this excitement is over?!

I've got about a million things to do before the big day, and I'm wandering why the heck I only took 1 week off work prior to the birth. My head is spinning with things - new house, packing up this house, baby stuff, Luca stuff, and the HEAT.'s seriously HOT. Like Florida hot (but without Air conditioning). I'm melting, and sadly enough actually looking forward to my recovery in the hostpital where I have nothing to think about except for the baby and how good the AC feels. If all goes well when I get out of the hospital we should be able to move into the new house.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Dear Luca,

We celebrated your 2nd birthday party this weekend with a low key swimming party and BBQ at the Linton Army swimming pool. We've spent quite a bit of time here over the past year as the Army pool is practically deserted on the weekends, and has a massive warm toddlers area that is just perfect for learning to swim. The Army even put in an outdoor bbq area - I think we were the first people to officially use it. Shhh! don't tell anyone else, and maybe this little slice of free family fun will remains ours and only ours. Ha ha

It turned out to be rainy day, thank goodness the pool is indoors! After a swim session, we all went outside for lunch - in the rain!

Look at you in your styley new tracksuit top from Great Grandma Loomis and your new hat from Uncle Pete. You are growing up so fast.

You loved the attention that was showered on you by all your favourite family members and friends at the party. You had been to several 2nd birthday parties from your coffee group friends, so it was nice to actually celebrate it yourself. You know all the words to Happy Birthday and know exactly when to blow out the candle. You quite enjoyed the Hungry Catapillar cupcakes that I made you (it's one of your favourite stories...especially looking at the page with all the junk food on it) and you'll do just about anything when we bribe you with a cupcake. It's amazing that when you actually want something you'll listen to us. "Before you can jump in the shower and fun with Daddy you have to brush your teeth, or before you can have a cupcake we need to change your diaper...."as if on que, you'll go into your room and grab out a diaper and lay on the ground....

You can throw a good tantrum like any 2 year old, but except for the odd two hour screaming sessions in the middle of the night, you're generally very settled and content. Most of all you love to laugh, and we can't help but laughing with you. Your eyes sparkles, and your dimples show.

At two, you are just starting to form words into sentances. "Wake up Daddy. More yogurt please. Sit down now! (please). Help please. " You are a little parrot, and repeat everything we say and do. You are a ball of energy and are most entertained by trucks (anything motorized), electric drills and hammers, riding your trike, or kicking balls. You are a daddy's boy through and through. You two spend lots of time moving dirt around the garden, sitting on his motorbike, and pushing the lawnmowers around.

Daddy on Sausage Duty with your cousin Caydn

You are quite clever. At our 2 year old Plunket visit I couldn't help but beam with pride when the nurse quizzed you about the pictures in the book and you could name almost every object she pointed two. Sometimes you concentrate so hard on a task I can practically see the wheels turning in your head, and most recently this happens when you are playing with your trucks on your mat or when trying to work out how to open and close buckles. You've become quite fond of books, and we try to read to you as much as possible. Sometimes after we put you to bed we can hear you climbing out of bed and into the reading chair flipping through pages of your books - in the dark. When we confront you mins later - you honestly look suprised that you are meant to be in bed and not in your chair reading books. It's so cute, that it's hard to keep a straight face.

Lots of little friends came to help you celebrate including Flynn from Coffee group and Ryan. Good thing we had several spare trikes to share around.

I wish I could bottle up your sweetness and save it forever. My favourite part of the day is storytime before bed, and then the cuddle and night time kiss you give me as I tuck you in. I can't help but think how cute you look when you are sleeping. My baby boy is growing up.

I know that there are some big changes happening - including the arrival of a new sister or brother, and moving into a new house. We're been preparing you for the new sibling for a while now, but it will be interesting to see how you adapt to your big brother role.

You'll always be my special baby boy - I promise.

Happy Birthday Luca.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Spots

My last post and picture made Luca's chicken pox seem mild....well let me tell you it wasn't. After I put that post on the net the spots got worse and worse - many looked infected and they seriously covered his entire body. He had a fever for about a week, and was so uncomfortable (whiny/cranky/itchy) that he barely slept for 5 days straight. We went to the Dr. twice - who confirmed it was a REALLY bad case. He's on several different meds now and after 5 hellish days I can say that he does seem to be on the mend now.

I used to think that all those parents that called in sick to look after an ill child had it pretty easy. Put on some cartoons, grab some books from the library, hang out with your child while they get better.....but NO...not anymore. Tending to a very ill child is probably one of the most difficult jobs in the world.

This whole chicken pox episode was quite difficult for James and I b/c we felt like we had done everything we could, but still it was hard to see Luca suffer so much or lay in bed itching when he was supposed to be sleeping. It made us think about all those that have it way worse than us. I mean, this is after all just the chicken pox.

What about all those parents who are dealing with child cancer. How do you explain the suffering and pain to a child when they don't fully understand? How do you manage to watch your children suffer? I know that kids are quite resilent and more often than not are able to deal with things like illness....but the parents....who knew that it would be so tough to be a parent and have to watch your children go through something as horrible as that.

When we went back to the Dr on Wed (b/c we were so incredibly worried about Luca's high temp, and 1000 infected spots) we were isolated to a little area of the waiting room out of site from the other patients. A few kids walked by us and they couldn't help but stare at Luca. I mean, who can blame them, he did look REALLY bad. Eyes swollen, covered in big huge red spots all over his face/arms/trunk. Then we got to thinking....what if your child had a disfigurement or disability where you constantly had to deal with people looking and staring and wandering what was wrong. I know, you'd find ways to deal, and get used to it after a while - and count all the blessings you did have....but'd be tough to deal with.

So even though we've been to hell and back this past week, we feel incredibly lucky and incredibly blessed at just how good we really do have it. We're so lucky to have a (mostly) healthy little boy. Fingers crossed the next one comes out the same. I don't care if it's a boy or girl at this stage, as long as it's healthy.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Tough Cowboy

It's official. Luca has the chicken pox.

I noticed one spot on his tummy on Sunday during a photoshoot that we were doing with my friend Toni. By that afternoon it had multiplied to several spots, so we took him to the Dr that evening.

Luca didn't seemed too phased by the spots on Sunday evening, and was even quite chipper on Monday, but today (Tuesday) the spots have multiplied, and they're everywhere and he's been itching and cranky. James and Luca got very little sleep last night. It just breaks my heart to see him so uncomfortable. Poor little man. I just want give you the biggest cuddle and make it better, but I'm afraid of squeezing you too tight and making the spots itch more.

On the bright side of things, at least it's summer and he can run around without clothes - and he's getting this over and done with while he's young. Apparently it gets worse as you get older.....James....hope you're ready! We're not 100% sure if James has ever had the chicken pox or not.

We've been confined to the house, or empty public spaces until the spots scar over. Lots of baths in and smelly ointment in the meantime.

Our Christmas/New Years holiday has been very uneventful. No exciting trips or adventures away from Palmerston North. I was working for most of the break, and when I wasn't working I was watching Luca while James painted the new house. We also made a start of packing up our house - which takes 2x as long when you have a toddler helping you pack up your shoes. Here's Luca's thigh high cowboy boots. Good look with the diaper?

He's one tough little cowboy alright. On New Year's Eve he managed to crack our windshield....with his head.

Yeah, craziness - I know.

He was 'playing' around in the car, when he lifted up his head and bumped it on the window. We heard a huge pop and I came running outside (James was already outside). Couldn't believe our eyes when we saw the spiderweb crack! Luca didn't even cry or scream or anything. He wasn't even phased.

We debated whether or not to take him to the hospital, but he seemed okay. It must have just been some crazy weak spot in the window? Who needs helmets when you can break windshields with your head?