Saturday, December 5, 2009

Almost two

It's officially 10 days till Luca turns 2 years old. We had corn for dinner tonight. It's finally back in season and thus semi affordable to buy it at the grocery store. Last year giving corn to Luca was a godsend. For several reasons. He loves corn and because he only has a few teeth it would occupy him for at least 15-20 mins, while we got to eat our dinner in peace and quiet. We also felt good because....well it's corn! And we like it when he eats healthy food and actually enjoys it.

Not tonight. He gobbled up his 1/2 ear of corn in about 5 mins flat. Pawing it and turning it over and over in his little hands, just like I'd imagine a beaver knawing through a piece of wood. After he devoured it the first thing out of his mouth was "moe, moe, peas" (translation....more, please?) We gave him the other half of the ear and then we he ate it all up there was a massive temper tantrum because we had run out of corn. Ahhh, one day, little boy you'll learn that corn doesn't just grow on trees.

This is when it hit me, how much has changed in the past year. Not only does this little boy have about 1/2 his teeth, but he can communicate, copy everything we do and say (see the above photo of us in the shower - hilarious!) throw a mean tantrum, run with confidence, and has even gotten rid of just about everything 'baby' - except those diapers! Ahhh, my little boy is growing up.
Palmerston North Christmas Parade - a gorgeous sunny day where it actually felt like summer. Luca loved all the big trucks, tractors, and marching bands

1 comment:

trappfamilyoffive said...

Great photos... And I didn't even need the translated version. I'm still current on the baby talk!