Sunday, October 18, 2009


Before Luca was born, James and I used to go on lots of 'tramping' (aka hiking/backpacking) trips. It was cheap entertainment, and we got to explore some new places, and have lots of long discussions on the trail. NZ has an amazing network of trails and backcountry huts you can stay at for only a few's fantastic. Oh, and did I mention no snakes or bears? (or lions, alligators, or rhinos) The most dangerous thing you'd come across would be a wild pig - which isn't dangerous at all....or possibly a hungry possum? I guess before continents spread apart the wild dangerous predator animals decided not to venture to NZ. Ha, that's not really true, b/c I'm sure there's a dinosaur fossils somewhere in NZ.
Love this photo!
So while we were pregnant with Luca we had all these visions of taking our kids on hiking trips, and when they were old enough we'd let them bring their friends and do easy overnight or multinight trips. We swore up and down we'd take him on hiking trips while he was young. Oh, the things you think you'll do.
We're taken him on a few trips, but we hope to do more. I sometimes feel like we don't get him outside enough....but now that the weather is getting better, we don't really have an out we go!
We just bought a new to us baby backpack (more so for baby #2) and Luca loves it. We tested it out this weekend on a trail only mins from our house. It was so refreshing to actually get out of town and play in the forest. We played with ferns, pointed out waterfalls, touched trees, and wet moss, and had sword fights with sticks. It was such a fabulous day, and reminded us how much we want to be able to expose our kids to the outdoors. James carried Luca in the pack when the trail got too dangerous or he became too tired to walk. I got to carry the other baby :-)

Look at this cool swimming hole we found! Can't wait to take the kids back here if the weather ever gets warm enough!

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