I'll warn you, I'm not in a very good mood right now. Part homesick, part frustrated, part pregnant. If you are from NZ and don't want to hear me complain - close the browser now. If you are anti Halloween - close the browser now. LEAVE. This is my blog, and I don't even think that many people read it (or do they and they just lurk?) so I'm not afraid to say what I feel, when I feel like it. It's not very PC, and I don't care. Time to be honest.
Okay you had your warning....if you keep reading this, don't get mad at me.
Halloween. What can I say? I love the holiday. The fond memories of apple picking and hayrides, and then after that season, it's pumpkin harvest time. Wandering up and down the isles of the pumpkin patch looking for the perfect pumpkin (or sometimes if Mom was too busy I think maybe we got our pumpkins from the grocery store? ....okay, lets just pretend we went to the pumpkin patch every year!) spending an evening carving the pumpkin...toasting the seeds. Planning out for weeks what the perfect halloween costume was going to be. The school halloween parties, the girl scout halloween parties, the youth group church parties, the dance class halloween parties....and not getting sick of ever dressing up. That's what Halloween is all about....letting yourself be someone different, being creative, having fun! A celebration that brings people together. Then on the actual night of Halloween (oh! to be so lucky if halloween fell on a weekend...woo-hoo!) I'd get all dressed up with my sister or young friends to go trick or treating from house to house - always accompianied by parents who would wait patiently on the sidewalk while we went up to the houses. The endless halloween jokes, comparing which houses had the coolest decorations, and walking around till we couldn't even carry our bags full of candy anymore. Getting home, comparing our 'loot' and having mom go through to pick out anything deemed 'unsafe' (candy not in wrappers, coins that we could choke on, you know the routine) and then eating enough candy to rot our teeth out before going to bed exhausted. If we limited ourselves to one or two small peices of day, that loot would last us until at least Thanksgiving! Who wouldn't love Halloween?
Halloween in NZ .... yeah, almost non exsistant. Okay, to give NZ a bit of credit it has been growing a bit over the past few years. Spotlight (the local craft store) has a bit of a selection of things that has been getting bigger each year. But no pumpkin patches, no city wide halloween parties, and the rare trick or treater might be seen. But rare.
I was at work today doing some web surfing....actually it was work related - I was looking up what other cities do for Christmas tree lighting ceremonies...and then I got distracted by the City of Chicago's city promotion website. (OMG....I so need to plan a trip to Chicago). Then I got distracted by their Chicagoween website. Chicago has this massive halloween celebration that lasts all month and there are heaps of great things to take kids to - most of it very low cost or free...harvest festivals, pumpkins in the park - sponsored by WAlgreens, dress up events...the list went on and on. It made me homesick. I want to give Luca all those cool things that I got to do for Halloween. I want to be the one taking cute family photos of us in the pumpkin patch. I want to be taking advantage of all these family friendly activities. I've viewed about 5 of my friends and family's 'pumpkin patch' photos this past week on facebook/blogsites etc. Yeah, they're cute.....But that should be me! I want to do that stuff!!!! (yes, I'm whining and complaining....annoyed? I told you to leave.)

After looking at the Chicago city website, I decieded to do a little investigation to see what Halloween activities happen in Palmerston North that I could possibly take Luca to. The anit- halloween parties outnumber the halloween parties about 10 to 1. People are so concerned about this evil holiday coming to NZ that they feel they need to offer alternatives - safe places for children to be, like churches.
I know, I know...I moved here so I need to adapt (and I pretty much do....but this, halloween thing has got me a bit down). I mentioned halloween a few weeks ago at work, and just about all the parents were against Halloween. They think it's an evil holiday that is unecessary in NZ. They think it's unsafe to let children go door to door. (C'mon...you live in NZ! and don't they understand that parents are suppose to accompany the the children?) I didn't even have the energy to argue against them. What's the point? I'm out numbered and it'd just sound like I was being a whiny American.
They have this funny thing in NZ about fencing off the front yards of houses....not all houses, but lots of houses. I guess it's safer for children and pets, but it creates a sense of closed offness from your neighboors and in general I prefer to look of open front yards...but again, another cultural difference.
During this Halloween discussion at work (where I remained mainly silent) one co-worker even said..."thank goodness I have a fence in my front yard. Everyone knows that's the #1 rule for school fundraisers and things like that....don't open any gates to get to the front door of someones house." First of all I didn't even know about that rule, but it does make sense I suppose...and second of all....she was boasting that b/c she had a front fence she was happy not to get any trick or treaters. Sad. Luckily none of my co-workers know about this blog....
Okay, so I'm bummed. Bummed to not be able to provide my children with some of the most incredible basic childhood expierences like halloween. I suppose you want to pass on to your children what you grew up doing and by living in NZ I can't exactly do that now can I. Okay, Okay, I'm not all full of sorrow. I realize that by living in NZ I can expose our kids to different things - things that James grew up doing (like Guy Forks day, chasing lamb in paddocks, christmas at the beach etc etc) things that are equally as cool. But still, it's not exactly cool crisp autumn evenings and halloween fun is it?
James says I need to just understand other people's point of views that they think Halloween is a holiday deep rooted in evil undertones. Okay, I understand but that's not what people are celebrating....it's like Christmas. Sadly, how many people do you think celebrate the real reason for Christmas? We all know the real meaning behind Christmas, but do you think that's what everyone is thinking about when they get together for christmas dinner -
everyone? Christmas is also a time for family and friends to come together - to celebrate, to enjoy. In a way Halloween is the same way.
Okay now after all this complaining I do have to say that we've been invited to a halloween party - which is quite cool (and a bit rare) and Luca does have a halloween costume....thanks Grandma Cassie. The anti halloween attitudes have me a bit down, but I guess it's just me being homesick. And to be fair to everyone around me, I won't complain or mention halloween again. I haven't even told many people about this, b/c well...it's hard to understand if you never celebrated halloween to begin with. Poor James, he had to hear my venting about Halloween last night, but I won't even mention it again to him anymore. There we go....finished - Done, got that off my chest. Now back to being happy and pregnant :-)
Hopefully I'll be able to update with roof photos soon!