Monday, September 28, 2009

20 weeks!

We are about 20 weeks now, which equals halfway through the pregnancy. My tummy is definitly getting big now, and there are many pants that I already can't wear. Last week one of my projects was to box up some of the things that I won't be able to wear for the next 6-7 months and get out all the maternity clothes. I was quite nice to see those maternity clothes again - they bring back so many good memories from the first time round.
Luca in our new kitchen - he loves playing around the new house. I love the new wood smell.....

This pregnancy is much different - I can hardly believe that 20 weeks have gone by. The first pregnancy every single waking thought was focused on the baby.
What will it look like?
Am I eating okay?
What do I still need to buy?
Names, Names, Names...'s kicking :-)
Our life is going to change sooo much!
20 weeks, and I've barely even picked up a pregnancy book - last time I had probably read about 10 by now. I've only just started to think about names, and It's dawned on me that less than 20 weeks from now, we're going to have another little baby in the house. Yay!!!
Soon we'll have a roof! Wouldn't you know it's suppose to rain all week long.

We had our 20 week anatomy scan today. It all looked good, except they are asking that I return so they can take another look at the chambers of the heart. Nothing to lose sleep over (yet) but they just want to triple check everything. The baby is breech, but still has lots of time to turn, and no we couldn't tell what sex it is. The radiologist could tell but we asked her not to tell us. But....believe me, we both looked and couldn't see much. Does that mean it's a girl? Or does that mean we have no idea how to look at those scans....ha ha. Who knows?
Luca just loves to help me out in the kitchen. When the kids are older it's going to be a house rule that they have to plan and cook 1 meal a week for the family. I want them to grow up to be confident in the kitchen.

I've been scouring the internet to find good quality used baby gear that we'll need for #2. My latest obsession is trying to find a good double mountain buggy for walks into town from our new house. Those things brand new are about $800! I'm hoping to find a used one for around $250-300. There's a few cool hiking trails behind our house, so we got a baby backpack to carry the new baby around in while Luca goes on 'hikes' with me. We tested it out with Luca. He thought it was better than McDonald's playland. I raced up and down the hall with him on my back, giggling and squealing out of control.
And of course James had to give it a go to. Look how happy they both cute. If the weather is nice this weekend, maybe we'll take Luca for hike. Oh, and good's DAYLIGHT SAVINGS.....which means more light in the evenings and in the mornings. Thank Goodness!!!!


trappfamilyoffive said...

The house looks great. When will you be able to move in?

Shelly said...

Hoping Jan...a few weeks before the new baby arrives :-)