Monday, September 28, 2009

20 weeks!

We are about 20 weeks now, which equals halfway through the pregnancy. My tummy is definitly getting big now, and there are many pants that I already can't wear. Last week one of my projects was to box up some of the things that I won't be able to wear for the next 6-7 months and get out all the maternity clothes. I was quite nice to see those maternity clothes again - they bring back so many good memories from the first time round.
Luca in our new kitchen - he loves playing around the new house. I love the new wood smell.....

This pregnancy is much different - I can hardly believe that 20 weeks have gone by. The first pregnancy every single waking thought was focused on the baby.
What will it look like?
Am I eating okay?
What do I still need to buy?
Names, Names, Names...'s kicking :-)
Our life is going to change sooo much!
20 weeks, and I've barely even picked up a pregnancy book - last time I had probably read about 10 by now. I've only just started to think about names, and It's dawned on me that less than 20 weeks from now, we're going to have another little baby in the house. Yay!!!
Soon we'll have a roof! Wouldn't you know it's suppose to rain all week long.

We had our 20 week anatomy scan today. It all looked good, except they are asking that I return so they can take another look at the chambers of the heart. Nothing to lose sleep over (yet) but they just want to triple check everything. The baby is breech, but still has lots of time to turn, and no we couldn't tell what sex it is. The radiologist could tell but we asked her not to tell us. But....believe me, we both looked and couldn't see much. Does that mean it's a girl? Or does that mean we have no idea how to look at those scans....ha ha. Who knows?
Luca just loves to help me out in the kitchen. When the kids are older it's going to be a house rule that they have to plan and cook 1 meal a week for the family. I want them to grow up to be confident in the kitchen.

I've been scouring the internet to find good quality used baby gear that we'll need for #2. My latest obsession is trying to find a good double mountain buggy for walks into town from our new house. Those things brand new are about $800! I'm hoping to find a used one for around $250-300. There's a few cool hiking trails behind our house, so we got a baby backpack to carry the new baby around in while Luca goes on 'hikes' with me. We tested it out with Luca. He thought it was better than McDonald's playland. I raced up and down the hall with him on my back, giggling and squealing out of control.
And of course James had to give it a go to. Look how happy they both cute. If the weather is nice this weekend, maybe we'll take Luca for hike. Oh, and good's DAYLIGHT SAVINGS.....which means more light in the evenings and in the mornings. Thank Goodness!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Digital Age

Our exciting news of the weekend....we finally bought a new TV. I think we might be one of the last of many people I know to finally get a flat screen. We've been holding out for a few years because we couldn't justify the cost when we didn't even watch TV all that much. We knew we were going to get one for the new house b/c the TV is getting recessed into the wall above the fireplace, and there's no way our big clunker box would fit in that tiny tiny slot. Verdict...

We LOVE the new TV. Now that we're digital with the rest of the world, we get a few extra channels so that brings the grand total of watchable channels to 10 (we don't want to pay for the extra channels) - but when you consider that we'll never watch the chinese, maori, or preview channel....that brings us to 8! And...get this....we get this free children's channel with cartoons, and baby zoo stuff. So very cool.

The TV seems so much bigger than our old box. It's 42" (wierd how they measure TVs in new zealand by the inch when everything else is metric....) and I was almost concerned it was going to be too big for the new house. James thought I was silly to even ponder such a thought. ha ha

How come we waited so long to get this new TV?!

In other news we took Luca to his first rugby game. The Turbos (the minor league "grass roots" local team) were playing and we knew Luca would love all the crowd, noises, and yes...the hotdogs. Yum! The hotdogs are the things I look forward to the most about rugby games.

He was also quite fascinated by the mini wind turbine at the stadium. He loves ceiling fans, and things that go round and round.
And....we're still waiting to hear from Erin about the new baby. She's 1 week overdue today, and apparently getting quick sick of all the waiting. We can't wait to meet the newest member of the family!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

An apple a day...

This week Luca woke up with a really high fever - so high that all our books recommended we take him straight to the hospital/Doctor. We were reluctant to go because they really can't do much except look in his ears, listen to his lungs, attempt to look in his throat, take his temp, look for spots, and then recommend giving him children's paracetomol. Can you tell we've been through this several times before?

Being safe rather than sorry, we were off to the ER at 11:30pm. We got out of there at 1:30am and were assigned with a very young doctor who I don't think had any expierence looking at children. He actually thought Luca was going to open his mouth up for him, and a nurse that tried to take his underarm temp. Yeah, right...try that with a screaming, wiggly sick baby. I felt like handing the Doc our high tech forhead thermometer (thanks Fran!) and saying, "here just use this." I'm not sure, but I think that perhaps the nurses have to supply their own thermometers which is why they all have the ultra cheap ones? It's gotta be the only answer.

Bless the NZ health system....where it's free to visit the ER, and get medical treatment, except for a tiny fee (waived for under 5 year olds). You just have to be patient, and wait, and wait....and wait....

Anyways they gave us antibiotics and told us to use paracetomol. Only problem is little man refuses to take either. He's just too smart (stubborn) for any of that business.
It's horrible. He used to actually like the taste of that bright pink parecetomol in the syringe....but a few months ago something happened, and now he won't let us near him with it. He spits it out everywhere (and the stuff stains carpet, clothes, and just about anything else it comes in contact with). In order to get him to take I have to physically hold him down while James holds his tongue. He gags, his eyes get as big as saucers, and it makes us feel like horrible parents, but how else do we give it to him? We've tried everything...mixing it with food, reverse psycology "no, none of this yummy pink stuff for's only for mommy and daddy....", mixing it with liquids...nothing seems to work.
We should have told the pharmacists to perscribe us 2x as much medicine b/c he ends up spitting more than 1/2 of it out. We're hoping that baby #2 won't be so difficult when it comes to medicine, and praying that they figure out how to make a powdered non flavoured paracetomol that we can just sprinkle on his foods. Any pharmacists out there that can do this for us? friend Toni took these photos of Luca - isn't she good?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Father's Day 2009

James just finished his 8 week officer training course, so this weekend it was time to relax and celebrate. SOOOOO good to have him home. He said it was the most difficult course he had ever done while in the Army, but was awarded top of the class (and most of the class consisted of high ranking officers!). We're so proud of him :-)

We had a busy weekend which started off with a visit to Luca's Great Grandad and then off to the Foxton Fair - a mini carnival in a very small town. Followed by gourmet sandwiches at the Beach.

Our big Father's Day breakfast (and this was Dad's choice) was at McDonalds. Nothing out of the ordinary since we seem to end up there just about every weekend. Yep, we've fallen into McDonald's marketing ploy. We go cause it's tasty, cheap, and Luca can play on the playground. Yep, totally falling into their corporate hands - next thing you know we'll be having Birthday Parties with Ronald McDonald....ha ha.
'Luca' got James two tennis rackets and tennis balls (which Luca thought was just too much fun putting them in and out of the cylinder plastic container). We live quite close to some public tennis courts and for the past few years have been talking about getting some cheap rackets, but just never had. I figured we only have a few more months left living in the neighborhood so we might as well take advantage of the courts while we can. Better late than never, eh? Luca also made James a few drawings.
We spent the rest of the day hiking on the walking trails behind our new house, playing at the building worksite, checking out our friend Moi who competing in the radio competition "Dad's in Drag at the local mall" and digging up the front garden. It was fantastic weather, and and all around good day.

The babies grow up

I haven't seen much of my coffee group friends lately. About half the group is back at work, and one family has already had #2. We try to all meet up at least once a month, and a few weekends ago we had a Pizza Party on a Saturday evening so that we could catch up - Dads too. It's hard to imagine that just 20 months ago we were toting around little babies and now they're running, jumping, tornados. We had a great night - ate way too much pizza, and realize that boys aren't as intelligent as girls at this age (or at least they just don't talk as much....they just move...ha ha!)
Georgi, Luca, and Flynn - amazing I got them all to stand still long enough to take this.

Chelsea, Fiona (who just had #2 about 2 months ago), and Amy
Okay, I had to capture a pic of me with Fiona's new baby, Hazel and Tom. I wanted to see what I would look like with a baby and toddler together at the same time. I can't believe that our solid little family unit of 3 will expand to 4. FOUR!? I need to cherish these days of threedom while they last.

Oh, and my friend Shelly from Coffee group is also having #2 - just a month after our baby is due...which means I'll have a few friends on maternity leave with we just waiting for the rest of the group to get pregnant...

A few weeks ago there was a nationwide SPCA cupcake day sale. I baked several dozen of these beauties to sell at work - with all proceeds going to SPCA (like the humane society back in the States). Pretty cute, eh? It totally reminded me of cupcake days held at Bowles Elm school as a fundraiser for the PTA. The thrill of buying a cupcake that had the most icing or best candy on it....waiting all day until your class could go out in the hall and buy cupcakes - all for a mere $1. I hope these cupcake sales still happen. I'm a huge cupcake fan.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Random Confessions

I've lost my camera cord, and haven't yet got around to buying a new one (thus no new photos). I'd love to have a new digital camera - one that doesn't have a 10 second delay like ours does after you press the button.

I eat some of the pregnancy no no' the egg salad sandwiches from the City Council Cafeteria....I trust them that it's not going to kill me, and so far it hasn't. Yep, I'm bad.

I can not wait till maternity leave.

I've totally switched from Diet Coke to Coke Zero...who would have thought? Yeah, I know...probably not the best for the pregnancy either but I only a drink a little. Honest!

I always thought I'd live in the mountains. I love the mountains. I miss the mountain lifestyle - so much.

I can't wait till Luca is old enough to go skiing. A few months ago I spent way too much time looking up the most child friendly resorts in NZ, and how much lift tickets cost for little ones...good news, is that most places are free for kids under 7 - sweet.

I'm already mentally planning a ski vacation in the US somewhere for 2011.

I've been in NZ for about 5 years now and haven't been skiing/snowboarding once. Yeah - crazy I know. I miss this part of my life, and have made a will to include playing in the snow a family must no matter where I live.

After a bad night with Luca last night (probably 5 hours sleep max) I seriously considered giving him some alcohol to make him sleep. Okay, well the thought passed my mind, but of course I'd never resort to that.

I can not wait till maternity leave.

One reason I'm not finding out the sex of the baby is b/c if it's a girl I'll have 5 months to go shopping for all things girly. You don't even know how much I would enjoy this, but finacially if we leave the sex a suprise I'll probably spend less money b/c I'll be too busy with two little ones to even have time to shop. Sad, eh?

Our builder probably wants to kill me. I just added a closet to the master bathroom and changed the direction of the pantry. I don't care though - I'm happy now that's its changed.

I reuse Luca's swim diapers. They're expense those little things, and we try to get to the pool once a week.

My favourite moment of the day is when I put Luca to bed and if he's in a good mood he gives me a cuddle and a kiss on the lips. I could hug him forever like this.

I've been here 5 years and I still don't like the warm Christmas'. Hate it. I know, I'm being a stick in the mud, but some things will never change.

The most exciting thing about our new house is going to be the central heating, and the nice kitchen with walk in pantry (well it's all going to be great, but these two things I'm looking forward to the most). Maybe I should finally get a breadmaker, now that i have the storage....

Did I mention that I can not wait till maternity leave?