Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Fright of our lives

I said we were all sick in my last post. Well let me clarify. I was REALLY sick and could barely eat for several days (yeah, nice to lose some weight...but don't worry I've gained it all back with the mass quantity of easter eggs I've consumed today). I even had to cancel my 30th bday party. That was depressing. Luca was so sick he took a ride in an ambulance. Here's the story.

Luca got the gastro'whatever-it's called' thing that I had. Vomit, diahreeha etc etc. Poor little man looked bad. We took him to the Dr. twice and she said to just wait it out. That night we got him a lemon popsicle to eat, and we all sat down to watch that animated Bee Movie. (really cute if you haven't seen it). Luca stood up, then collapsed. James went to pick him up and his body got real stiff then he started having a seizure. His eyes rolled back into his head and he turned blue b/c he wasn't breathing. SO SO SCARY. There's was a few moments of shear panic and terror and James and I yelling at each other trying to figure out what to do. We called the ambulance right away, and never have I had so much panic in my voice. Send the ambulance NOW!!!

The seizure lasted about a min and then he just collapsed from exhaustion. Then the ambulance came and we spent the next several hours in the ER room. Turns out everything is okay, and even though I know about feberal seizures (I was EMT for pete's sake) and know that they are very common, no one can prepare you for the fright of your life when YOUR KID has a seizure. The thoughts, "He's going to die" did cross my mind during that minute of terror. Not something I want to expierence again.

Scary Scary Stuff, but rest assured we're all okay now, but just thought I'd share some of the dramas of the Loomis/Deegan household.

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