It's funny how you want to pass down your family traditions to your

own children. Easter reminds me of getting dressed up in the new dress that Grandma bought us (with matching knee socks, and hat of course), waking up to a gift basket from the Easter Bunny, attending church and having more easter egg hunts, and then getting together with family for a big meal. I want to try to pass on at least some of that to our son.
James has to work all day and night on Easter Sunday, so we had our Easter egg hunt today instead. I searched high and low to find those plastic easter eggs. You just can't find them in NZ. For some reason all you can buy is mass qantities of chocolate marshmellow eggs or big giant chocolate eggs. I finally did find those plastic eggs at a craft supply store. I filled them raisins, mini gingernut cookies, and jellybeans. Luca can eat at least 2/3 of those things. The jellybeans were eaten by us!

We didn't get Luca a whole new Easter outfit, but James did pick out this cool orange vest for him today as an easter gift. We won't lose him in this bright thing, and the hunters won't mistake him for a dear....ha ha.
You can only see the plastic eggs in his basket, but this week Luca and I also dyed hard boiled eggs. That's another mission b/c they only have brown eggs in NZ (if they have white ones, someone tell me where to get them for next Easter). So how do you dye a brown easter egg? Yeah, I was puzzled too. I eventually settled on getting the shrink wrap stuff to put the eggs in. They turned out pretty festive, and tomorrow I'll make deviled eggs out all those beauties.

James doing his best impression of the Easter bunny. Ha - if only you could zoom in on this pic you'd see how funny it is. He'd have a fit if he knew I published this photo on the blog, but he rarely looks at that's what he gets! ha ha...

Luca is getting so clever. He really caught onto this Easter egg game. He can follow instructions now, and everyday amazes us by how much he's growing up.

Tomorrow, we might actually go to Church. There's an 8am service, and the church is literally right behind our house. We can hear them singing from our backyard. Luca and I area also planning to go to a coffee group Easter lunch, and then hopefully for a swim out at Linton and to visit James while he's working.
Even though I swore I wasn't going to eat lots of rubbish and candy, I already have, and Easter is not officially till tomorrow....and the wedding is about 1 month away. Bad, Bad Shelly.
Happy Easter Everyone. I miss everyone back in the States. I love you!!!