At first we weren't going to have a big 1st birthday party for Luca, and there was no way I was going to spend hours slaving over a birthday cake for him. My, how things change. I started talking to other mothers in my coffee group, and after looking at all their pictures of the cool cakes they made, and hearing stories of the big 1, I suddenly felt the pressure to get baking. After all, he will only turn one, once right? The party is planned for this Saturday and we're keeping it simple by only inviting a few family and friends....if you're reading this, and you're not invited, don't feel's just we didn't want to make it into a big thing.
We're hoping for a nice day, b/c our house is too small to fit everyone inside. We'll get the splash pools out, the bubble making stuff, and put on a basic bbq, and of course my piece of art work cake will look fab. Here's hoping!
I was going to make this cool cupcake train thing, but I couldn't get it to work right, so I've borroweded a co-workers cake mold and I'll cross my fingers that I can figure out how all the different icing and piping bags work. I made the cake today, and plan to freeze it until this weekend. When we picked the date for his party, we forgot that I had also signed up for a triatholon that same morning. Will be a busy day for me, to say the least.
My official cake taste tester....

Look he's 'busting' out of his onsie...I should retire it to the 'too small' pile, but I just love the color on him - really makes his eyes sparkle.

And look! We got a package from the Barbaro's today...Splenda for all my low fat baking. Unfortunatly Luca's cake is far from low fat, but that's okay I hopefully won't be eating it all by myself.
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