Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Coughing, and more coughing

This picture was taken when Caydn was visiting us from Australia - it cracks me up because it looks like Luca and Jaycob are in deep conversation with each other. Take a look at Luca's hand on Jaycob's shoulder!
James is away for 5 weeks on a course in Townsville, Australia. He's been away for 1 week now so there's only 4 to go. I have a whole new level of respect for single's so hard! Between working, taking care of Luca, and well...actually that's all I have time for. Did I mention that Luca was REALLY sick last week. He's had a cough now for about 6 weeks and it got so bad that I took him to the Dr - he was very wheezy in the chest, struggling to breath, and very very grumpy. It's so hard for Dr's to diagnose what is wrong with little babies, and I was afraid they were missing after two visits to the Dr, and a trip to the ER - I was told I have to let him wait it out with panadol, an inhaler, and a humidifier for his room. A week later, he's still coughing and very I'm hoping he gets better. It was scary dealing with this all on my own. Thank goodness that James parents are in town as well :-)

This photo was taken at the airport when we said goodbye to Daddy.

Even though he's got a nasty cold he's still all smiles!


Jen said...

What a charming smile your little guy has! It is a joy to read about your parenting journey.

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