PL (Pre-Luca) Sunday mornings were spent sleeping in and then going out to brunch around 9-10-11am. We'd usually read the papers for about 30-45 mins while James drank several cups of coffee. Then depending on our bank accounts, we might walk around the shops. Sometimes we'd go for a run together, sometimes we'd do housework and rennovation projects together. What a distant memory all of that is!
By 9am this morning, I had already been up for several hours, fed Luca milk and breakfast (while at the same time I ate my breakfast), started the laundry, walked to and from the veggie markets, and put in another load of laundry! The sunday routine is much different now. I try to make it to the markets - which is only a 15 min walk from my house. It's great - I get to stock up on fruits and veggies for the week, and it is so much cheaper than the grocery stores. On Sundays I prepare lots of Luca's food (thank goodness for food processors) and stuff as much as I can in the freezer to use later on in the week. I make about 75% of his food, but also like to give him the commercial baby food too - there's more variety.
The weather latley has been really really cold and wet. VERY DISGUSTING. Today it finally stopped raining and the howling wind died down just long enough for us to walk to the markets and also the Esplanade Park (about a 30 min walk from my house). I was blown away by how many families with young kids were at the playground at 10:30am. I guess little kids just don't ever sleep in, do they? Luca got his first taste of the swingset. We had so much fun - you should have heard him squeal and laugh. Can't wait till he's big enough to go on the seesaw with me!
James has now been away for 2 weeks and I've got 3 more to go. Luca's health is improving, but Mom's isn't. I now have whatever illness he had. Guess it's just part of the winter time cold virus that is going around.
I'm purchasing the airline tickets for our wedding today. One word...EXPENSIVE. I've done so much research on the internet, and also though agents, and there's no way of getting around how much it's going to cost us. Oh well. Best to pay for it now, and forget about it. I've also bee working on setting up the wedding website. It's looking good, but before I give out the web address I've got lots more work to do on it.
I've only got about 30 mins till Luca wakes up from his nap and I've got a mile-long list of things to accomplish - so I better get to it.