Saturday, May 31, 2008

Baby Yoga

We go to yoga to relax, release the stress, and loosen our ligements and joints to become more flexible. People spend lots of money and time perfecting this new age exercise...and babies just do it naturally! I love watching Luca play with his feet - he could probably even suck on his big toe if he was so inclined. I wander if we all continued doing this from babies onto adult hood - we would be more flexible than we are today?
NZ has a pretty good support system for mothers after they have a baby. It's called Plunket. Nurses come visit you in your home several times a week after you come home from the hospital and then the visits become more sparse....every 2 weeks, every month, every few months. The Plunket Nurses check up on developmental stages, weigh and measure your baby, and answer any questions you have. My nurses' name is Judith and she's lovely. She came round to visit Luca and I last week......5 months old now and weighs 17 lbs. He's right on track and what everyone in NZ refers to as 'Bonnie' (Bonny?) Boy. I think it means cute/happy/healthy.... If you know what that means fill me in!

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