Monday, March 24, 2008

Where's the Easter Bunny?

Photos are becoming more interesting now that Luca can hold up his head when he's on his stomach - cute huh? Look at the cool quilt - that was a gift from my Aunt Karen, and Luca loves looking at the bright colours on it.
Easter was fairly non eventful for the Deegan/Loomis household. James had to work on Saturday so Luca and I spent the day out at Foxton beach and spent the night out there at Oma's house (Oma means 'grandma' in Dutch....that's what we call Jo). Luca expierenced sand for the first time - when I dipped his feet in the sand his eyes got really wide - 'what is this stuff between my toes?!' After our walk on the beach I had to shower him 2x in one day to get all the sand out between his fat rolls and in his ears. We celebrated Easter with by going out to eat with James' parents (Oma and Pop) on Sunday night and spent the rest of our break working on the backyard.
For those that got to expierence the dirt bowel that used to be our backyard....look at it now! Green lush grass is AWESOME and I'm going to do everything in my power to keep the weeds from invading it! The deck is still work in progress but the main bit is finished and I stained the rest of it today. The BBQ/pit area and pathway is still being worked on.

Big events for this week....Luca's 3 month shots (hopefully it won't be as sad as the first lot was!), My birthday (29 on the 29th!!! Woo hoo!), and then before you know it Luca and I will be on a plane to the States.

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