Sunday, October 28, 2007

Summer's on its way!

Saturday night we visited James' parents at Foxton Beach - which is about 25 mins away from our house. Their house is right on the beach, and when we woke up this morning, it was gorgeous weather so we all went for an early morning walk. The weather really lifted my spirits as the past 3 weeks have been non stop hurricane gale force winds, but here they just call them 'gale force winds' and everyone goes about their normal routines. Anyways...look how gorgeous it was today?! I can't wait for summer to arrive....and well the baby (8 more weeks!)

This is Jo and Bruce's back yard...nice, eh?
We've had a busy week - I've been swamped at work, wondering why I've taken on additional tasks, when I already have so much to do before I go on maternity leave. At this stage I'm planning to work right up until the birth, but I'm already realizing that I would like a week or so to rest and prepare for the biggest change in our live...ever!
Saturday we had our Practical Parenting class - this is part of our antenatal classes. They bring in a newborn baby and show you how to bath and dress it, and give you all kinds of practical tips about carseats, cots, bassinets, baby products, diapers etc. It was a really informative class, and we both enjoyed it. Each couple was a given a baby - and I've got to brag about James a bit....he won the diaper change competition. Of course it was just a doll (otherwise I think he might have dislocated a shoulder or two) but it was still kind of fun.

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