Friday was Waitangi Day, a national holiday so everyone had a 3 day weekend (well except me who was organizing a big event in the city square for Waitangi Day). The event turned out well, and Luca and James were once again dragged to yet another free council event. Waitangi day is a day to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi - an agreement the Europeans came to with the indiginous people of NZ (The Maori Tribes). The agreement has and still does cause lots of contrevorsy (spell?). Picture of pacific island type maori dance...

We had a busy and wonderful weekend. Friday was the festival, Friday night BBQ and Moi and Karyln's house (she's due to have her 2nd baby in 6 weeks!) and then on Saturday we drove to Martinborough to go to the big art n' craft festival. Think small country town, hundreds of stalls, thousands of people, and the hot hot sun. FANTASTIC. Loved it.
Thank goodness we don't have a little girl or else I would have spent a lot more money. Seems like there are a million stalls with gorgeous little girl dresses, little girl sunhats, little girl this, little girl that. As it was we did end up buying a really cool apron for Luca, a necklace for myself, some homebaked ciabatta bread, and a few screen print 'seconds' shirts for Luca. James was really patient pushing Luca through the crowds while I scanned all the stalls as quickly as possible.

After the fair madness we met up with some friends at one of the wineries that also had live Jazz music. Picnic, nice smelly cheese, glasses of Sav Blanc, and 4 kids crawling around in the dirt. We offered to buy an elderly couple a bottle of wine if they'd watch the kids for us, but they just laughed. I don't think they realized we were serious.

But perhaps the coolest part of mini road trip was our suprise stop in Masterton. Luca was being cranky so we found a park on the map that seemed like it would make a good pit stop. Oh, My, Goodness. This wasn't just any ordinary park. It was like a DREAM playground. Probably the best playground we'd ever been to. Seriously. Wooden forts everywhere, slides, a few ziplines, mini trains, etc etc. We ended up stopping there 2x that day. Such a hidden treasure in a dead town in the middle of nowhere. Did I mention the bakery there gave us a free donut with the sandwiches we purchased, and my strawberry milkshake was super cheap? The awesome bakery combined with the sweet kids playground was almost enough to make me want to move to Masterton.