I'm actually looking forward to going back to work. I'll be working Wed, Thur, Friday and Luca will be in daycare on Wed, Thursday, and with Oma Jo on Fridays. James and I revisited the daycare centre that we are using this week and did a trial run with Luca by leaving him there for a few hours. I really like this place and trust them. The ladies that work there are very professional, the place is very clean, and I just get a good feeling about it. This will no doubt make the transition easier for me....oh....and the additional paycheck will make it easier going back to work too. I can't wait for that first paycheck!
I've decieded that since I'm going back to work, I'm also getting a housecleaner. There's no reason NOT too. I'd rather spend my free time playing with Luca than stressing about the filthy house and doing housework. Most people in NZ think of housekeepers as a luxery item, only reserved for the rich...but I totally disagree. I attended a stress seminar put on in-house for PNCC employees and one thing that women mentioned was how it's money well spent to have a housekeeper a few hours every week or two weeks. I don't remember that much from the seminar...(it was pretty boring) but that's one thing I definitly remember.
I left the warm American Springtime to come home to the cold NZ fall. We're looking into some new heating options to make the winter months more pleasurable. Can't wait to see what we come up with. Warm house is a priority for me this winter - especially now that we have Luca.