We are all home safe and sound and with our new bundle of joy,
Luca Alexander Deegan. It was a crazy week filled with emotion - I'll try to recap it as best as I can for those of you both near and far away. If you don't want all the details of the actual birth - well just scroll down to look at the photos - for those of you interested....here they are
It all started on the morning of Dec 27th - when I woke up it felt as if the waters had broken. Not a huge amount, and no contractions, but definitly something out of the ordinary. It's hard to know exactly what to expect in this childbirth business, never having been through it before, so you question everything. We started the day of as normal...James went to play golf while Shelly went to swim at the local pool - I was getting stircrazy waiting around at home. Had a lovely swim, and long walk home, but still felt as if something down there wasn't quite right. Luckily we had an appointment already scheduled with our Dr for that afternoon.
Our Dr. confirmed that he suspected the waters had started to leak but was being plugged up with baby's head - or that it was the forewaters I was feeling. We left the Dr's expecting to go into labour that evening and if not we were to be induced the next morning at the hospital (you don't want to risk infection once waters break and contractions don't yet start).
Yay!!! We were over the moon with this news, and did what any reasonable couple would do....run off to the grocery store to stock the house with food, and enjoy our last few moments together before the baby comes into the scene.
Dec 28thI awoke feeling excited and ready to go after another night of baby filled dreams. We threw our hospital bags into the car and arrived at 7:30am to the Labour and Delivery Suite. This is it....it's all going to happen TODAY!
7:45 amWe settle into the room we'd spend a lot of time in - we are happy to find out that our room is also one of the ones with a big spa in it! This is also the time I hear a horrible crying and yelling sound down the hallway. I thought it was a newborn baby that had just been born - how sweet....that will be us by the end of tonight! James, goes on to tell me that's not a baby...it's a women in pain. I feel sick, and can't seem to drown out the screams from the hallway. What am I getting my self into?!
8:50 amProstogen Gel applied and drip line inserted - The gel makes the contractions start but sometimes can take up to 6 hours to start working. Sometimes it doesn't work at all. We are told not to leave the hospital during the waiting period
We kill time by visiting the cafeteria, making phone calls and texts, visiting Karlyn and Jaycob in baby intensive care unit, and walking around the hospital. I'm feeling a bit too good, and nothing seems to be happening. I bounce around on the birthing ball but still nothing seems to happen.
1:15pmDr. comes back for visit and assesment and deciedes to do second dose of gel - goes out and tells me next dose will be available by 2pm
1:30pmBegin to get cramps - typical....just AFTER the Dr. leaves! I text James and tell him to come back to hospital as I'm feeling some pains
2:30pmHoly Hell! Is it suppose to feel like this!? Contracts are hard and very painful...very close to each other, and like nothing I've felt in my life!
3:00pmMidwife suggests a spa bath. I get in the bath, but feel like I'm going to pass out from the pain. I demand an epideral.....NOW! This is nuts!!!
3:45pmEpideral arrives - God bless the anestiologist! What a world of difference it makes. I'm happy and content now, and am sucking on the gas happily. Upon further examination it's discoverd my labour was fast, quick, and painful (duh!) I had recieved epideral just in the nick of time. Thank goodness I was persistant to get it...
4:40pmFetal heartrate monitor inserted - fully dialated
5:45pmBegin pushing, but after 2 pushes discovers baby heartrate has dropped to 50bpm - not good at all! He's not liking the pushing. The next bit is a bit fuzzy, and James has to help remind me of what happens....
Drs and specialists rush in, baby's head is looking up, not down, and in complete distress. C section is only option and we have to do it NOW. I'm rushed off to theatre, pumped up with more drugs, and scared out of my mind...mainly b/c while all this is happening, I'm not sure what the baby's heartrate is doing.
James joins me in theatre, and we are both pretty scared. I'm shaking, and chattering my teeth from the drugs, and gripping James hand for dear life.
6:31pmI won't go into all the other details but to cut to the chase, Luca is born completly healthy, and mom loses a lot of blood in the process! The moment he gets pulled out I don't hear a cry, and it was the longest few seconds of my life. What a relief to hear his cries just a few seconds later. He gets checked over and cleaned up and given to Daddy after being weighing in at 8lbs 9oz. I wasn't able to hold him for about 45 mins until they finished working on me. Lots of happy tears are shed, and this is undeniably the most amazing moment of our lives. In fact I'm tearing up just remembering it now.
There's no way I could have done this without James unconditional love and support. He was a rock, and has helped and encouraged me the past 9 months - but his role during the birth was amazing. We're whisked off to the recovery room where I finally get to hold Luca - I'm still fuzzy from all the drugs, and overjoyed with emotion.
We get to the post natal ward, where we will end up spending the next five days. We are in complete awe at how perfect and beautiful Luca is, and can't stop looking at him, or touching his soft head, fuzzy shoulders, and fat cheeks....it really is the most amazing thing in the world.
Here's a few photos from Dec 28 2007 (a bit out of order though)
In the theatre mins after he is born...
Luca loves looking at Daddy! Luca was immediatly calm after the birth when Dad was holding him. This photo was taken in the post natal ward after all the chaos of the birth.
Seconds after the birth! Look how tiny he is....Luca's first moments of air and light....
My first hold while in the recovery room
Was it a bad birth? No, definity not. It didn't go as expected, but then again, what can you really expect!? Didn't plan to have a c-section, or be in so much pain afterwards, or stay in hospital so long, but that's okay - we had always just planned to go with the flow, and do whatever was in best interest of the baby. Would I do it again? DEFINITLY. I will never look at a baby again the same, it's like my whole perspective on life has changed, and bringing someone into this life (going from one fertilized cell to over a 2 billion complex human being has to be the most incredible miracal of life)